Bio Desaru will be designated as a Bio-Security with a comprehensive and tangible security system in force. This system will set apart from others as a centre of excellence and a future model for biotechnology safety standards.

Bio-Security Check Points(BSCP)
Bio-security Check Points will be set up at strategic locations throughout the region.They will be operated by a wlll trained team to ensure that all vehicles, humans, animals and plants including seeds are disinfected before entering the region.
These check points located at the service roads will be equipped with advanced bio-disinfection facilities.
Bio-Security Quarantine Zone(BSQZ)
The Quarantine Zone will be jointly operated bu related government departments and farm operators to ensure new seeds and species without Quarantine Certificates are retained within the Quarantine Zone appropriate period before being transferred to the respective farms.
The quarantine periods are subject to the type of seed, plant ,animal and aquatic life.
Bio-Security Buffer Zone(BSBZ)
Every farm is required to provide a Buffer Zone of minimum of 10 meters from the farm border to prevent diseases from spreading into other farms.
As part of the preventive system,tall trees will be planted as screens to create a physical barrier in the Buffer Zone.
Bio-Security Farm Audit(BSFA)
A Farm Audit Team will be set up comprising reprensentatives from related government departments and farm operators.This is preventive measure to ensure that all good practices are fully implemented and complied with in all farm operation.
It will be conducted periodically depending on the farm type,either agricultural,livestock or aquatic.
Bio-Security Services(BSS)
The Bio-Security Services are platforms for farm operators and professionals, both locally and from abroad to exchange ideas, techniques and latest information on seedlings, technology and other related matters.
This is to ensure that farm operators are updated and made aware of the most up-to-date farming technological developments.